Sometimes it’s cool to share some of the feedback I receive from our clients in regards to their health insurance.

Not to worry, I’m not going to reveal names, test results or where the doctor advised that they put that thing.

“Mike” (just a generic name, not implicating anyone specifically) just received his Explanation of Benefits summary from his unexpected heart attack. Like any of us would expect or plan for a heart attack, right?

The charges from the hospital, doctor, anesthesiologist and candy striper (gum can be expensive), was well over $100,000.

While I do talk frequently about plan benefits, I didn’t expect his next response which was “that’s a pretty good deal that I only have to pay $8,000 out of a $100,000 invoice!”

Mike understood the value of insurance, that it is there when we need it. I also explained what the different amounts meant to his maximum out of pocket.

We never plan for things like heart attacks, or cancer. As you can see by the below photo, we were celebrating dual birthdays (Andy is much, much older than me by 3 weeks); his in July and mine in August.

If you hadn’t noticed the Band-Aid on my nose, I had skin cancer removed the week prior to my birthday. I didn’t plan on skin cancer. (Well, maybe I did as I was a teenager roaming around Lake Tahoe without sunscreen). But I do appreciate the value of insurance, not just because I work in the industry, but because “we never know” when it will happen or affect us.










As we are moving into the open enrollment season, your health insurance might be renewing, you might have questions or just don’t understand it. That’s where we come in, and we speak fluent Obamacare (though not any other languages, unless Sarcasm and Pig Latin are considered languages).

Give our office a call – we would love to help!

Until Next month,




Who didn’t cut off her nose to spit her face